Press release


The SQAPE technology has been applied by Cementbouw Betonmortel to realise, in cooperation with the municipality of Zeewolde, the first geopolymer bicycle path in the Netherlands. For the production of the mortar, no cement is used. The use of this low-CO2 mortar contributes to the sustainability ambitions of the municipality of Zeewolde.

Together with SQAPE, Cementbouw worked on the development of RaMaC road surfacing. The SQAPE technology replaces cement completely, resulting in a considerably lower CO2 footprint. SQAPE offers clients the opportunity to consciously choose sustainable materials that contribute to their ambitions in the field of sustainability and CO2 reduction.

As the most sustainable municipality in the Netherlands, the municipality of Zeewolde has the scoop. It is applying RaMac in the renovation of the cycle path on the Gelderseweg.